Thursday, December 15, 2011

Belief in Action

A holy man being emotionally burdened to the point of frustration, by indecency imposed on his righteous spirit and the spirits of young men he worked with, put his faith to the test.  Combining his faith with his wife’s, they came to the understanding through Holy Spirit that to quit his job would be to make a stand for the justice of all.  In quitting, he was given an opportunity to confront a system of double standards that had a stronghold in his workplace, he spoke out against the harsh treatment and the truth of his words made room for better choices.  The Way of Christ always operates through our spiritual worship, meaning to put Christ first above all else.  They sacrificed their financial comfort zone.  They gave all they had to make a difference in the lives of others.  Leaning their whole personalities on Jesus in trust, they chose to endure all that would come and under went the extreme testing of their faith and in the end, proved to all involved that the truth found in JESUS provides exactly what He has promised; blessing for all who put their trust in His Way, instructed through the New Testament Covenant.  In compensation for their righteous service; he was led to a job of his dreams and his wife has now found a place for her gifts of the spirit, also!  Today, they can hear even stronger the healthy and wholesome influences of Holy Spirit, trust more in their relationships with Jesus, have grown in their courageous spirit, and are glad to be set apart for the work of redemption! While he enjoys skiing on the slopes of his new workplace, North Star, his spirit-filled wife is discovering the freedom of a new home, in a new city and state, with new opportunities to live their faith until they both come to understand their full stature in Christ and His Kingdom here on earth.   

A young holy couple gave of their saved resources and combined their faith with their mother that the venture they were all working together on, was Christ’s will for their lives in this season and would become profitable to all in the future.  Trusting also in the words of Jesus, that when you lend to a believer, I will repay, if they can’t, says the Lord, they are two of the best givers I know.   They received unexpected finances back, in the very same day.  This gave them a comfortable amount of money to secure their dream of a Christmas vacation for their whole family!    

A righteous couple once lived engulfed by immoral attitudes and poverty in the world.  Over and over again they stood for the gospel they believed in, backing down all opposition spoken against the truth found in Jesus, finding this their opportunity to serve the Way.  There is always a sacrifice before a promise.  They made the sacrifice to live and stand up against the two-facedness of those against Jesus and held on to their righteousness.   After years of this kind of service to Christ, they too were moved away from these sinful behaviors, and continue doing what they hear in their spirits, and now live in a country home, with their two young girls, where the Lord has seen fit to place them.  They have a lot more elbow room, with a big yard full of trees and plants and a swimming pool all for healthy family recreation and teaching holiness, free from the world. 
Furthermore they have been positioned with believing landlords that have taken a vested interest in their holy family because they have achieved a magnificent upkeep to the property and gained the trust of these seasoned saints.  Their uncompromising obedience to living a lifestyle that glorifies Almighty Father, and their commitment to home schooling their children in virtue, ignoring worldly influence that vies for their attention, the promises have become their open door to their holy inheritance.  The whole family radiates with wisdom and has become a source of encouragement for all who meet them.  By continuing to press into Jesus all He promises keeps showing up in their lives.  They have learned from Jesus to line up their actions with the gospel, which leads every believer, who will courageously overcome the adversary, to a righteous lifestyle of promise. 

A now grandmother who conscientiously raised her children in the Lord in a time when godly home schooling was taboo and in a culture hell bent on living without Jesus as Lord, now marvels at the phenomenon that spiritual wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and all manner of workmanship, has created in her family.  Once labeled; least likely to succeed, lacking worldly education.  Today, they out perform the most intellectually educated in every area of operation the Lord has gifted them in; just because they follow the urgings of Holy Spirit and are now a family whose confidence is placed securely in Jesus Christ!  To this grandmother who was left in the dust of the self righteous ways of doing things; there are absolutely no regrets for holding on to her most holy faith and seeing the assignment she was given by the Lord to the end.  The maturity of faith in her now grown up family continues to blaze a path into the Kingdom of Heaven for others.  All her hopes and even beyond her wildest dreams turned to a testimony for Christ, that hope in what we cannot see can after twenty years and bouts of emotional frustration from the doubts of her family and friends,  her strong belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ has paid off nicely! 

All these things happened and continue to do so because Holy Spirit is a real presence in the lives of believers and talks to them deep in their hearts.  Their acts of obedience cause ponderous pain in their souls, while they wait on the Lord for the next steps to take, but result in marvels beyond all rationale of explanation.  These miraculous conclusions create such a great flood of gratitude for the outcomes  spoken by Holy Spirit, the incredible presence in our thoughts, all memory of pain suffered in the process of transformation is washed from our minds and replaced with the truth that the Lord has the best way for all of us, always.  He is the Lord, that rules and reigns of earth!

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