Monday, January 16, 2012

A Chain of Grace


A broken pool heater is the situation that revealed a force of righteous people coming together to help each other.  Mario reported the problem to his landlords; who in turn hired a company to evaluate the damage.  Their assessment was to replace the heater at the cost of $6,000.00.  The urging of Holy Spirit on the hearts of the landlords was an emotional feeling that they were not being dealt with fairly and they expressed this to Mario.  Angie, through the urging of Holy Spirit expressed her own suspicions of whether the company had even come to look at the heater and rearranged her work schedule to be available to be there when they would return the next time.  Mario had his own uneasiness from his conversations as to whether he was being dealt with fairly, when he called to set up a date for them to come.  Two times the company was to come and do the repairs, both came and went without even a phone call of cancellation. Bad weather could have been the cause for this, but everyone had feelings of apprehension.  A few months back, before the pool heater problem was even discovered, Mario talked to a Christian man, just starting out in the pool business, about draining and cleaning the pool in the future.  This man called Mario at precisely the same time these conversations were going on about the pool heater.  In a conversation with the landlady, Mario suggested they get an estimate from this Christian pool man, being that he knew him to be honest and fair in his dealings.  The young man and his wife, (who by the way, had worked at the hardware store with Mario and was the daughter of his long time employer and also a fellow Christian) came for a second opinion.  Their price was above reproach and far less that the original quote.  This new pool man expressed some previous dealings with the original company, saying he had been cheated, not once but twice.  When the power of Holy Spirit acted upon the hearts of all of these people, they became a force of righteousness to produce justice for all.  The grace, shared by all these people is a relationship of trust in Jesus and the guidance of His Spirit that leads to all truth. The results they get in every area of their lives reflect Christ’s active presence and favor. The promises that Jesus made to His people, trusting our own feelings as conversations with Holy Spirit and being obedient to His urgings, we can weed out of our lives all who deal in lies.! 

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